By Caitlyn Solem
Chief Operations Officer of the Evidence & Access Practice
Thank you for reading the first edition of OPEN Health’s journal, “Unlock Possibilities”. Inside we provide a peek into recent developments in the field, novel insights and study design considerations, and perspectives on where the industry is going.
To start, we share key insights from our new CEO, Dave Thompson. In his interview with healtheconomics.com, Dave explains our practice’s commitment to fundamentals: We ground ourselves in providing custom-designed, fit-for-purpose solutions to meet our clients’ HEOR needs, incorporating innovation to solve novel problems without getting distracted by “bright shiny objects.”
Our staff, a mix of established industry leaders and exciting new talents, is endlessly curious. We pride ourselves on expanding the possibilities in our field by analyzing interesting problems, providing solutions, and staying up-to-date on the environment in which we are working. In this issue:
- Ben van Hout continues to ponder some of the oddities that may occur as we aim to analyze survival data, particularly in oncology (beware the negative PFS-OS correlation!)
- Elisabeth Fenwick and Marjanne Piena describe novel approaches to plugging data gaps by linking pharmacometrics to pharmacoeconomic evaluation models (complete with webinar link)
- Viktor Chirikov describes how machine learning and AI-powered large dataset analysis can be practically applied to generate targeted information for patients
- Hannah Matthews provides insights into the multiple databases our team uses to address complex statistical questions
- Sophie Tsai and Na Guo provide insights into the changing PRO regulatory environment in China, triangulating this with key guidance documents around the world (including an interactive timeline that I will be bookmarking for future reference!)
OPEN Health is also committed to translating great science into cutting-edge implications. How do we do that? Through solid HEOR communications.
- Sonya Snedecor highlights the importance of effective and strategic evidence communication to see the signal through the noise
- Beth Lesher highlights our field’s unique need to have experts who are experienced in HEOR as well as having the writing training and strategic eye to communicate HEOR data to a wider audience
I hope you find this to be an interesting and useful read, and are inspired in your own work to unlock possibilities and seek out opportunities to deliver fresh thinking and solutions that make a difference!